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12 Ağustos 2013 Pazartesi

NDP 2013 Behind The Scene 2 !

It's a wrap finally. After 10 weeks of preparation, NDP 2013 has come to an end. It's an irony that we as participants were looking forward to August 9, yet at the same time we will also be missing the rehearsals on every Saturday which has slowly become part of our lives. Though it was only 1 minute of fame on stage, but the journey of NDP 2013 had so far been very rewarding.

It's probably my very first time to be featured on a national event website. Was really overjoyed when I was browsing through the website and saw my own name and picture there! 

  Also made my debut appearance on national TV news channel...

You probably think on screen everything looks perfect. But in actual fact, the hardworking news team from Channel 8 was rushing with time to send the clip back for the 5.15pm news. Time check when I was interviewed: 3.45pm. In addition to the channel 8 news team, there's also someone from Mindef to follow through. They were rushing with time, and was under pressure to make sure I speak correctly in the shortest time! No NG! *flips hair*

You probably didn't know that I was asked to do another interview in English for Channel Newsasia news angle. Well apparently they didn't air this interview, I really hope that it was not because of me! Haha.

Had to also brief my Young NTUC team what to do in the shortest possible time! I swear I didn't bribe them! They were very supportive and a bunch of energy overloaded group!

Thanks Young NTUC! Was very glad to know people from all ages, all walks of life. Simple and down to earth people whom I really respect.

5.15pm interview done! With Mediacorp News Reporter Lynette Lee.

And her gang - Soundman and Cameraman.

And my girlfriend captured this while I was busy snapping away some selfies with the gang!

While waiting for the next interview, I went out to take more pictures. Salute to the NDP 2013 team of official photographers who are always taking good shots of us!

Even before the show started , our welfare was already well taken care of. We have sponsors from Milo, Mr. Bean, Old Chang Kee which spoilt our choices!

And here you see the colors party from armour infantry.

Costume changed! Got ready by 5.30pm. Some call me Super Mario transformed.
Together with my gf Shoel!

While waiting for my next interview (for the 10pm show) ... the cameraman started asking me about instagram and to flash some pics to him for filming. Haha. When mainstream media meets social media. Who rules?

And if you think I was really fluent in my mandarin... okay lah. Actually just flaunt some 4 letters 成语 lah. I'm not that good in real life!

And so...we are ready to move on! Walked from F1 pit to the float at 6.30pm...and the mediacorp news team followed.

The NSFs and SAF regulars who were also performing together with us.

Motivated by this 5 year old Francis before going up on stage! He's one of the participant's son. 

NDP 2013 satisfaction unlocked on the actual day! Starstruck! Especially had the chance to do a selfie together with Moses Lim! I watched his shows and Under One Roof since young!

And probably another achievement of the night was to run all the way up to the stage, and asked for a photograph with Col David and Creative Director Selena Tan like a hardcore fan. They were very friendly and with all smiles! Salute to both of them who's probably already totally drained from the planning of the show.And the greatest reward of the night was that Col David told me he knew who I was and had actually read my blog before! Thanks Col David, you made my day!

Finally, thanks to the entire team (Young NTUC and all the NSFs) who made this performance possible.
It has been a long journey but together with a common goal, we made it. I'm now proud to tell everyone I've at least participated National Day Parade before and it's definitely a lifetime satisfaction. ;)

Do check out my instagram account for more NDP 2013 behind the scene pictures and videos :

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